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Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Overview and Expectations



A quality Physical Education program is offered to all students in the Orinda Union School District. The PE curriculum taught at the Elementary school level is the SPARK Physical Education program. SPARK (Sport, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids) of San Diego State University is an "Exemplary Program" of the U.S. Department of Education.
SPARK PE is a unique program that consists of activities that are inclusive, highly active, integrate academic and wellness concepts, and are fun for all students. Additionally, instructional units are designed to develop students' motor, cognitive, and social skills. All students will have numerous opportunities to practice and participate in high levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity.


Every 1st through 5th Grade class will participate in two 30-minute PE sessions per week with the PE Specialist and 40 minutes of activity per week with their classroom teacher. Classroom teachers will be informing you of the specific days and times so your child will be prepared to participate.
Please remind your child to dress appropriately for physical activity. For comfort and safety purposes, he/she should wear close-toed running shoes with rubber soles, and shorts or comfortable clothing. Your child will NOT be able to participate if he/she does not have appropriate shoes/clothes. In order to provide the best possible experience for your child, we must all work together as a team!     
Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. Therefore, your child’s participation is very important. If he/she is sick or unable to participate in all activities, please send a note with your child to PE. The note should state the specific date(s) to be excused, nature of the ailment, specific limitations, and a contact number in case clarification is needed. If your child does not have a note, he/she will be asked to do the best they can. Additionally, if your child had a Doctor’s note, before he/she can return to PE, you must send a release form from your Doctor.
Experts recommend children receive at least 60 minutes of physical activity each and every day. Please help your child meet these recommendations by helping them to seek opportunities to be active outside of school.