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Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Friday Folder Submission Guidelines

Should your piece be copied/distributed in the Friday Folder?

Sleepy Hollow, along with the Orinda School District, is working hard to move to a "paperless" system. Whenever possible, information should be posted in the weekly online newsletter "Hollow Log," SH website and on the outdoor board instead of hard copies for the Friday Folders. To further reduce paper, copied material is generally done on a per family basis, going into the youngest child’s Friday Folder.

What will be copied in-house by volunteer staff?

Single or double-sided copies on white paper. NO stapled, multiple-page, color-paper jobs will be accepted.

What is the deadline for in-house copying?

All jobs to be copied need to be dropped off in the "Copying/Distribution" basket by Monday at noon.

What should be copied off-site by specific committee volunteers?

Multi-week publicity projects or large volume projects such as: Pumpkin Patch, Think First, Art in the Garden, Open House, and fundraising campaigns.

How many copies should the committee volunteer make?

If providing one copy per family please refer to the "Youngest Sibling Chart" in the "Copying/Distribution" basket which details the number of copies per classroom. If providing one copy per student, please provide 22 copies per class for grades K-3, and 30 copies per class for grades 4 and 5.

What is the deadline for dropping off copied/sorted jobs for distribution/inclusion in the Friday Folders?

All pre-copied jobs should be sorted by class or grade depending if they are being distributed to each student or on a per family basis, and delivered to the office by Wednesday at 9:00 am.
*NOTE: During shortened school weeks, the drop-off day is earlier in the week. For example, when Friday is a non-student day, the drop off date will be Tuesday at 9:00 am.

Who can submit jobs to be copied?

Only SHPC Board Members.

Do I need approval for my copy/distribution job?

Approval by the Principal is mandatory for all Friday Folder flyers.

What is the procedure for approval?

Obtain the blue "Photocopy Request Forms" in the "Copy/Distribution" basket in the copying room of the office. Complete and attach form to a copy project then submit to the office Secretary for approval by Principal.

Your job will not be copied or distributed unless you have the Principal’s approval.