Carpool Instructions
Sleepy Hollow School is located at the end of a narrow street. In order to ensure a smooth traffic flow and to keep the students safe, the following traffic rules have been established. It is very important that they are followed. Please do not expect to be an exception to the rules.
One-Way Traffic is a Must!
In order to keep our students safe traveling to and from school, it is very important for all drivers to come to school following the direction signs. From Lombardy Lane, turn onto Tarry Lane, then Sleepy Hollow Lane, then Washington Lane to school. When leaving, turn right onto Sleepy Hollow Lane then to Lombardy Lane. Do not turn left onto Sleepy Hollow Lane from Washington Lane during the hours posted on the traffic sign located just before the stop sign at that intersection. We want to create a one-way traffic flow to assist us at heavy traffic times and to ensure the safety of the children who walk and ride bikes to school. All of our students' safety is based on the cooperative, patient, and responsible behavior of each adult in our Sleepy Hollow community.

Car Etiquette
- BUSES have priority over cars for drop-off and pick-up.
- Never PASS a car or bus in front of you.
- Always move to the MOST FORWARD drop-off station.
- Please have your child READY TO GET OUT of the car as soon as you REACH the drop-off station.
- Do not park in the LOWER PARKING LOT when picking up or dropping off your child.
Carpool Arrival and Departure: All children must be picked up and dropped off in the LOWER parking lot except for those who live near enough to school to walk directly home. This is to ensure that teacher supervision can occur. Do not pick up at the intersection of Washington and Sleepy Hollow Lanes.
- Make a single file line for drop-off or pick-up. Please do your best not to block driveways along Washington Lane.
- Have your child ready to be dropped off with his/her lunch, backpack, etc. in his/her lap. Students must enter and exit the vehicle on the right-hand or passenger side of the car independently.
- For pick-up, have your iDismiss Carpool tag number displayed in your front window so our staff can check your car in.
- Have your car doors unlocked.
- As you approach the drop-off or pick-up points, move to the most forward drop-off station. Look for the numbered signs marking each of the four pick-up stations.
- Follow the traffic coordinator's signal to follow the car ahead in a single file to Sleepy Hollow Lane.
- DO NOT pass the car in front of you.
Parking - Parents and guests are asked to park on the street when visiting the school. The upper lot parking spaces are for 10-minute school visits or quick pick-ups only. Remember to sign in at the Office during the school day.
Walkers/Bike Riders - “Permission to Walk/Bike” authorization forms will need to be submitted by parents.