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Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

5th Grade

Fifth grade is a year of academic challenge, independence, and growth. As students prepare for the transition to middle school, they are introduced to a more rigorous curriculum designed to strengthen their academic and social skills. Our curriculum is built around the California State Standards and is differentiated to meet the needs of each student. Through a combination of inquiry-based learning, hands-on activities, and collaboration, students build a strong foundation for future academic success.

Language Arts

In Language Arts, fifth graders engage in literary analysis, guided reading, and small literature circles. They participate in the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, which focuses on developing reading comprehension, critical thinking, and writing skills. The writing program emphasizes various forms of writing, including narrative, opinion pieces, and informative/explanatory texts and presentations.  These skills are cultivated through Writing Workshop, which fosters students' ability to express themselves clearly and effectively.


Mathematics instruction is based on the Math Expressions curriculum, which emphasizes problem-solving strategies, mathematical reasoning, and the application of mathematical concepts. Fifth graders develop their understanding of fractions, decimals, algebra, statistics, probability, measurement, and geometry, and they strengthen their ability to solve real-world mathematical problems.


In Science, students use the FOSS Science program, engaging in both lectures and hands-on labs. They explore Life Sciences, focusing on systems of living things, Earth Sciences, where they study the solar system, water, and weather on Earth, and Physical Science, which covers the study of matter. These topics are explored through inquiry-based activities and experiments, helping students build their scientific thinking.

Social Studies

Social Studies is taught using the InquirEd curriculum, which encourages critical thinking through inquiry-based learning. Students study U.S. History, covering the development of the nation up to the 1850s, and they also explore U.S. and world geography, gaining a deeper understanding of historical events and geographical concepts.

Character Education

The Second Step Character Education program is integrated into the curriculum to help students build essential social and emotional skills, such as empathy, emotion management, and problem-solving. The program focuses on responsibility, independence, and respect, preparing students for the challenges of middle school and beyond.


In Art, students engage in creative projects that enhance their understanding of artistic techniques and self-expression. Art instruction is provided by a credentialed teacher, with projects designed to reinforce lessons from other subject areas.


Music instruction is provided by a credentialed music teacher, and students explore different forms of music, rhythm, and musical composition. Music class fosters creativity, teamwork, and discipline.


Band is an optional program open to 4th and 5th grade students looking to learn how to play a variety of instruments, while developing their musical skills and confidence. Students attend band sessions during a scheduled pull-out time from their regular school day. Throughout the course, they will practice both individual performance and ensemble collaboration, culminating in participation in exciting school and community performances.

Physical Education (PE)

In Physical Education (PE), students engage in physical activities designed to improve their coordination, fitness, and teamwork. The P.E. curriculum helps students develop healthy habits while emphasizing good sportsmanship and personal responsibility.


Students visit the Library weekly, where they engage in activities designed to develop their research skills, explore new books, and gain exposure to various genres of literature. Library instruction also supports the development of digital literacy.


In Technology instruction, students develop essential digital literacy skills that support their academic growth across subjects such as math, science, and social studies. Each classroom is equipped with a cart of 1:1 Chromebooks, generously funded by ONE Orinda donations, ensuring that every student has access to their own device for engaging with digital resources and completing projects. Alongside their weekly technology lessons, students also learn about digital citizenship through the Common Sense curriculum, which guides them in navigating the digital world responsibly and respectfully.

STEAM and Garden 

All students participate in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and Garden activities where they explore exciting design challenges, engage in innovative practices and practice hands-on activities.