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Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

Sleepy Hollow Elementary School

4th Grade

Fourth grade marks an important transitional year for students, as they experience a longer school day and greater responsibility for their learning. Teachers collaborate to create a curriculum that honors differentiated learning styles and challenges students to reach their full potential. Students use the reading skills acquired in the primary grades to explore subjects like science and social studies in greater depth.
The curriculum follows the California State Standards adopted by the OUSD School Board for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Students are expected to read fluently from a variety of literature and informational sources.

Language Arts

Fourth graders develop strong reading and writing skills through the  Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Students read several core novels, which are used to explore themes, build comprehension, develop critical thinking skills, and increase fluency. Writing instruction focuses on narrative, opinion pieces, and informative/explanatory pieces,  and students learn to apply structure and strategies from Writing Workshop to produce engaging and accurate written work. 


The Math Expressions curriculum guides fourth grade students through a rigorous math program. They study multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, probability, statistics, and more. Students work in flexible groups to address various learning styles and ensure mastery of key concepts. Hands-on activities and problem-solving exercises deepen their understanding of mathematical principles.


Fourth grade science is hands-on and inquiry-based. Students explore topics such as plants and animals, food chains and webs, and earth science concepts like plate tectonics, rock formation, weathering, and erosion. They also study magnetism and electricity by investigating circuits. Weekly science labs provide opportunities for experiential learning and apply the FOSS Science program's curriculum.

Social Studies

The InquirED social studies curriculum introduces students to California’s geography and history. They learn about early history, including Native Americans, missions, and the Gold Rush, through research-based projects. Students also study California's journey to statehood and the expansion of the United States, with an emphasis on the role of technology in connecting California to the rest of the country.

Character Education

The Second Step Character Education Program is integrated into the fourth grade curriculum to promote social-emotional learning. Students focus on skills such as empathy, emotion management, and problem-solving, which help them build strong relationships and navigate challenges effectively.


In Art, students explore their creativity through a variety of media. Art projects are designed to align with other subjects in the curriculum, reinforcing learning while allowing students to express themselves artistically.


Music instruction in fourth grade encourages students to develop their musical abilities and an appreciation for different forms of music. Through structured lessons, students engage with rhythm, melody, and musical composition.

Physical Education (PE)

Students participate in Physical Education classes twice a week. Physical activities promote coordination, strength, and fitness while reinforcing teamwork and good sportsmanship.


Students visit the library weekly, where they learn about authors, new books, and research techniques. The library also supports reading across subjects and encourages students to explore new topics through literature.


In Technology instruction, students develop essential digital literacy skills that support their academic growth across subjects such as math, science, and social studies. Each classroom is equipped with a cart of 1:1 Chromebooks, generously funded by ONE Orinda donations, ensuring that every student has access to their own device for engaging with digital resources and completing projects. Alongside their weekly technology lessons, students also learn about digital citizenship through the Common Sense curriculum, which guides them in navigating the digital world responsibly and respectfully.


Band is an optional program open to 4th and 5th grade students looking to learn how to play a variety of instruments, while developing their musical skills and confidence. Students attend band sessions during a scheduled pull-out time from their regular school day. Throughout the course, they will practice both individual performance and ensemble collaboration, culminating in participation in exciting school and community performances.

STEAM and Garden 

All students participate in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and Garden activities where they explore exciting design challenges, engage in innovative practices and practice hands-on activities.